hi hi there! baru-baru ini si adek nyewa dvd "Brother bear". Sebenarnya, saya ga mau nyewain film itu ke dia karena film itu jadul banget dan sering tayang di TV jadi ga usah kali yah nyewa nya. Tapi, dasar susah juga punya adek bersuara cempreng. Dianya malah merengek, muka dijadiin kayak pengemis gitu. Saya kan kakak yang gak tegaan lah yah :P (padahal mah malu berat). Akhirnya, tiba di rumah nonton film itu juga (dengan muka cemberut). Film selesai.
Saya mikir, di salah satu adegan itu ada aurora!! cantik banget lah. i was wondering is it real? yah sapa tau palsu kan cuma film kartun. Saya buka deh my most favourite site! its natgeo! okay guys, for you who is curious about aurora, lets check it out!
So, ladies and gentleman this is one of Aurora. It calls "Green lantern"..
Gosh, how could those were exist! aaa~ so wonderful.. guys, those are real and had happened in Canada and also in Poland. (maaf ya, kalo saya keliatan kampungan). Actually, i have more pics about Aurora but, the time isn't enough for blogging more. Gotta do my crap a.k.a homework, and other edu stuff. Okay, see you soon for the next amaxing Aurora pics!! Imagine if you were there. haha. Have a nice dream, guys!
p.s: those pictures remind me to Allah. please say "Subhanallah" when you're amazed ;>
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