actually, i dont have story anymore. recently, i am really enjoy my days. You know, my double troubles are going here. seneng banget, akhirnya bakalan ditemani sama mereka...
really miss those boys! suram aja gitu ga ada mereka. haha. untung mereka ga bakal baca blog ini. kalo dibaca sama mereka, euuhh they're gonna annoy me. but, thats all i miss!! miss annoy them, fight with them, mock them and so many else. haha, saya udah kayak tiap hari perang aja yah sama mereka. tapi, beneran kita ga pernah akur. paling akurnya pas lagi acara nikahan, atau pas ada temennya umi di rumah. nah, the other time, we annoy each other all the time. haha.
p.s: guys, no fight no brotherhood. believe me :)
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